Customers story

Kafrit Group standardizes global processes with MaterialsZone’s platform.

August 30, 2024

Streamlined data sharing accelerates research and fosters innovation.


Kafrit Group, an innovative and leadingglobal producer of customizedmasterbatches and compounds for theplastic industry, has recently implementeda significant technological advancementby integrating MaterialsZone, a materialsinformatics platform designed to manageand synchronize raw material data acrossthe group's global entities.


The Kafrit Group is expanding their marketreach through strategic acquisitions andthe operation of multiple companiesaround the world, spanning threecontinents. Managing chemicals, rawmaterials, formulation and finished goodsdata across these diverse entities withdifferent local data systems present alongstanding challenge.


Kafrit’s main objective was to accelerateR&D, create a single source of truth for allR&D materials and foster cross-groupcollaboration. Achieving dataharmonization across all group companieswas a major milestone, allowing for fasterdelivery of new or adjusted products,better formulation suggestions, and moreeffective alternative materials selection.This streamlined process also ensuredcompliance with regulations such asREACH and enhanced overall servicedelivery to customers.

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