Digital Materials / Product Catalog

The need for a digital materials / product catalog

• New customer/product requirements may be satisfied by off-the-shelf, historically developed (or semi-developed) or even partially investigated formulations, recipes and products.

• Even if there is not a perfect match, some data points from the past may be a pivotal starting point in the search/quest for the desired outcome.

• You may have multiple groups in several locations each defining same or similar formulations/products with different names and definitions and with no common nomenclature

• Lack of digital materials/product catalog means that organizational wisdom is lost, time-sensitive market opportunities are missed and that R&D resources are wasted.

• The digital materials/product catalog concept may also be applied for supply chain aspects of the operation. A correct mapping of optional ingredients and their characteristics are essential for the flexibility of operations and for guaranteeing proper response times and quality

Common Challenges in creating a digital materials/product catalog

• Materials/product data is highly multidimensional and hierarchical and it is difficult to facilitate an effective data model that enables intelligently searchable access to all the parameters

• It is difficult to create a common nomenclature that crosses the organization and the various stakeholders - R&D, manufacturing, supply chain, product, sales.

• It is difficult to store well developed product data alongside data that has not gone full cycle to productization and scale-up yet

• Searching for a desired product may only result in “closest matches” from which a pivotal R&D phase may begin. 

• AI/ML predictive models, based on all historical findings, is essential in finding these closest matches

The value proposition of MaterialsZone

• Easily models multidimensional and hierarchical data

• Normalizes to common nomenclature and data model

• Facilitates easy parameter driven searches

• Easy application of AI/ML visualizations, insights and predictions.

• One platform, all the data, all the insights, all the stakeholders (R&D, scale-up, manufacturing QC, supply chain alternatives selection).

• No loss of knowledge.

MaterialsZone solution for digital materials / product catalog

Product domains with multitudes of possible formulations are everywhere - polymers, building materials, composites, additive manufacturing, etc. It requires a Materials Informatics Platform to facilitate a proper digital materials/product catalog. It is imperative to have a unified digital materials/product catalog across the organization to make sure that precious data that took years to accumulate is put to use in an effective manner. The value can further be extended if you also handle the supply chain in addition to your own products.


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